嵌合(Mosaicism),英文命名最初是以我们建筑上常用的装饰风格”马赛克”所命名的。在临床医学上用到的意义实际上也是从马赛克这种多种颜色瓷砖镶嵌搭配的意义引申而来的。即在个体内存在两种或以上的不同细胞系,且都来自于同一个合子。主要表现为染色体非整倍体核型或者结构异常核型和正常细胞系嵌合,例如: mos 47,XX, +21 / 46,XX。

嵌合的类型包括生殖细胞嵌合(germline mosaicism)、体细胞嵌合(somatic mosaicism)以及生殖细胞和体细胞均发生嵌合(gonosomal mosaicism)的情况。

要理解嵌合体,需要对胚胎发育有一个大致了解: 单倍体性的生殖细胞受精后形成二倍体性合子→卵裂期→囊胚,囊胚由64 个细胞构成,这些细胞还没有开始分化,这个阶段之后胚胎开始出现分化,大多数细胞成为滋养细胞,形成胚外组织( 绒毛膜、羊膜、胎盘等)。只有少部分内细胞群有可能形成胚胎本身。囊胚期进一步发育到原肠期会形成外胚层,中胚层及内胚层。其中,外胚层分化为皮肤的表皮、中枢神经系统及一些色素细胞。中胚层分化为结缔组织、血管以及肌肉组织。内胚层分化为消化道、消化腺以及呼吸道的上皮组织。



体细胞突变,是通过受精和成人期之间发生的1016次有丝分裂中的错误而产生的。如果这些突变发生在胚胎发育足够早的阶段,具有不同基因型的细胞系就可能出现在同一个人当中,这被称为体细胞嵌合(somatic mosaicism)。

基因缺失、复制及其它突变可能会出现在发育谱系的不同部位。(A)在发育早期阶段出现的突变可能会导致机体出现大范围的体细胞嵌合(somatic mosaicism)。(B)引起细胞增殖的突变可能会使机体出现可被检测的体细胞嵌合,即使这些突变出现在发育的晚期阶段。(C)在发育晚期阶段出现的突变可能是单个细胞的特殊事件。

Mosaicism refers to the presence of a genetically distinct cell population within an organism. Mosaicism can exist in both somatic cells and germ line cells; however, the distinction between germ line mosaicism and somatic mosaicism can be somewhat tricky. As their names imply, somatic and germ line mosaicism refer to the presence of genetically distinct groups of cells within somatic and germ line tissues, respectively.

If the event leading to mosaicism occurs during development, it is possible that both somatic and germ line cells will become mosaic. In this case, both somatic and germ line tissue populations would be affected, and an individual could transmit the mosaic genotype to his or her offspring. Conversely, if the triggering event occurs later in life, it could affect either a germ line or a somatic cell population. If the mosaicism occurs only in a somatic cell population, the phenotypic effect will depend on the extent of the mosaic cell population; however, there would be no risk of passing on the mosaic genotype to offspring. On the other hand, if the mosaicism occurs only in a germ line cell population, the individual would be unaffected, but his or her offspring could be affected.

  • Chial, H. (2008) Somatic mosaicism and chromosomal disorders. Nature Education 1(1):69

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