1. 基因
2. 染色体
3. 基因测序
通过测序设备对DNA分之的碱基排列顺序进行的测定。4. 液态活检
5.1 自然预后
8. 临床治疗常用指标
8.1 5年生存率
8.2 完全缓解(CR: Complete response)
8.3 部分缓解(PR:Partial Response)
8.4 进展(Progression)
8.5 无病生存期(Disease-free survival, DFS)
8.6 总生存期(Overall survival, OS)
8.7 疾病进展时间(Time to Progression,TTP)
8.8 治疗失败的时间(Time to treatment failure, TTF)
8.9 无进展生存期(progression-free survival, PFS)
9. 顺反式作用元件
9.1 顺式作用元件(cis-actingelement)
9.2 反式作用因子(trans-actingfactor)
10. 癌症靶向治疗(targetedcancertherapies)
11. Germline Mutation 生殖细胞突变
Germline mutations, also called hereditary mutations, are passed on from parents to offspring.
12. Somatic mutation 体细胞突变
Somatic or acquired mutations are non-heritable mutations that can arise spontaneously in somatic cells due to mistakes in DNA replication, or from exposure to mutagens like UV radiation or certain chemicals, and the changes resulting from these mutations can lead to cellular transformation.
Somatic mutations can be identified by examining the genetic material in a questionable cell and comparing it to a cell from elsewhere in the body; the DNA in the two cells will be different, despite the fact that it is not supposed to be.
A change in the genetic structure that is not inherited from a parent, and also not passed to offspring, is called a somatic cell genetic mutation or acquired mutation.
Disease-causing mutations can also occur during the mitotic cell divisions that generate the embryo after fertilization and zygote formation. These mutations lead to individuals who are mosaic, with only a subset of their cells harboring the mutation. These mutations are de novo in the sense that they are not detectable in the parents of the affected individuals but are more specifically termed somatic mutations.
14. de novo mutation
De novo mutation, an alteration in a gene that is present for the first time in one family member as a result of a mutation in a germ cell (egg or sperm) of one of the parents or in the fertilized egg itself.
de novo mutations are typically present in the sperm or egg of one parent and yet are not detectable in blood taken from the parents; once transmitted to the embryo, they are present in all tissues of the offspring.
- Somatic Mutation, Genomic Variation, and Neurological Disease. Science 341, (2013); DOI:10.1126/science.1237758
15. Recurrent mutation
Recent analysis of mutations across cancer types (pan-cancer analysis) has revealed that relatively few genes are recurrently mutated in a high proportion of samples above expectation from a random distribution without clonal selection.
A recurrent de novo mutation would be a de novo mutation that occurs repeatedly.
e.g. Haemophilia A is caused by mutation of the FVIII gene. Two different inversion mutations explain half of all severe cases of haemophilia A. The inversion mutations occurs repeatedly, i.e. de novo. They are caused by recombination between near identical copies of a DNA segment found within and outside of the gene, and in opposite orientation relative to one another (PMID:8275087; PMID:11756167).
Recurrent de novo point mutations can occur, for example, at CpG sites (PMID:25401298)
16. Driver mutations
Somatic mutations that have a role in creating, controlling and/or directing some aspect of the cancer phenotype.
17. Paired-end reads
Sequencing reads from each end of the same DNA molecule. Knowing the sequence of both reads and the length of the DNA molecule improves mapping to a reference sequence, de novo assembly and detecting structural variations.
18. Redundant sequence coverage
The total number of bases sequenced divided by the total number of bases in the haploid genome.
19. Mitochondrial Inheritance线粒体遗传
线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)指一些位于线粒体内的DNA,与一般位于细胞核内的DNA有不同的演化起源,可能是源自早期细菌。现今人类体内的每个细胞中,大约有1000到10000个线粒体,而每一个线粒体内,则大约有2到10组mtDNA,每个mtDNA共包含16,569个碱基对,其中有37个基因,可用来制造13种蛋白质、22种tRNA与两种rRNA。其中的内含子较细胞核基因少,且有些不含内含子,如tRNA基因。人类的mtDNA也可用来进行个体辨识。正常状况下,线粒体只会遗传自母亲,以哺乳类而言,一般在受精之后,卵子细胞就会将精子中的线粒体摧毁。
Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles important in cellular respiration
Have their own DNA
Carry 37 genes
Transmitted from mother to ALL of her offspring
No recombination
Males and females equally affected
High mutation rate
20. Pseudoautosomal region (PAR)
The pseudoautosomal regions (PAR1 and PAR2) are short regions of homology between the mammalian X and Y chromosomes.
The PAR behave like an autosome and recombine during meiosis. Thus genes in this region are inherited in an autosomal rather than a strictly sex-linked fashion.
PAR1 comprises 2.6 Mb of the short-arm tips of both X and Y chromosomes in humans and other great apes and is required for pairing of the X and Y chromosomes during male meiosis.
PAR2 is located at the tips of the long arms and is a much shorter region, spanning only 320 kb.
Genes in [PAR1](http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/genefamilies/set/715\ and [PAR2](http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/genefamilies/set/716\
The locations of the PARs within GRCh38 are:
PAR1: chrY:10,000-2,781,479 and chrX:10,000-2,781,479
PAR2: chrY:56,887,902-57,217,415 and chrX:155,701,382-156,030,895
PAR3: chrY:3,571,959-5,881,959 and chrX:89,145,000-92,745,001
21. PLINK - founder & heterozygous haploid genotypes
--filter-founders Include only founders, excludes all samples with at least one known parental ID from the current analysis (note that it is not necessary for that parent to be in the current dataset)
--filter-nonfounders Include only nonfounders
--make-founders Set non-founders without two parents to founders. By default, if parental IDs are provided for a sample, they are not treated as a founder even if neither parent is in the dataset. With no modifiers, --make-founders clears both parental IDs whenever at least one parent is not in the dataset, and the affected samples are now considered founders.
--nonfounders Include all individuals in MAF/HWE calculations, Only founders are normally considered by these filters
--hwe-all HW filtering based on all founder individuals for binary trait (instead of just unaffecteds)
plink.nof List of SNPs with no observed founders
plink.hh List of heterozygous haploid genotypes (SNPs/individuals). This is usually caused by male heterozygous calls in the X chromosome pseudo-autosomal region. It can also be caused by incorrect sex information and/or an incorrect chromosome set.
nonfounder, at least one parental ID is known.
founder, both parental ID are not known.
22. What is allelic imbalance? 等位基因失衡
A difference in the expression between two alleles. Humans are diploid organisms, which means we have 2 copies of each gene. Normally, these two copies are expressed at the same level. This means that the mRNA transcript from the mother and the transcript from the father will have roughly the same number of copies.
Sometimes, however, this is not the case. When the ratio of the expression levels is not 1 to 1, we call it “allelic imbalance”. There are a variety of reasons why the expression may vary between the alleles. “Gene imprinting,” when environmental factors silence either the maternal or paternal allele, is one case.
If one allele is silenced completely, then there will be an extreme case of allelic imbalance. Other scenarios may increase or decrease expression of one particular allele only slightly, resulting in imbalance to a lesser degree.
Cis-acting mutations may alter regulation for just one allele through a change to promoter/enhancer regions (transcription factor binding sites), or even through 3′ UTR mutations that affect mRNA stability or microRNA binding.
23. 基因印记
研究表明大多数印记基因中存在长非编码 RNA( 长度 > 200nt 的非编码 RNA, lncRNA) 的转录,长非编码 RNA 主要通过顺式的转录干扰作用来实现基因印记。
同时基因印记及其相关的长非编码 RNA 异常表达与许多先天疾病相关,迄今已发现数十种人类遗传疾病与基因印记有关,而 lncRNA 引起的基因印记在疾病的发生和治疗中起着重要作用。
印记基因一般是成簇分布的,包含 3 ~ 12 个基因,形成一个或几个印记控制区( imprinting control regions,ICRs) , 也即甲基化差异区( differentially methylated regions, DMRs) ,跨度达 20 ~ 3700kb。
长非编码 RNA( lncRNA) 是长度大于 200 nt 的非编码 RNA。
24. Targeted amplicon sequencing (TAS) vs. Targeted sequencing
扩增子测序 Targeted amplicon sequencing (TAS): 就是通过设计感兴趣的基因组区域的引物,通过PCR扩增,将目标区域DNA富集后进行高通量测序的研究策略。
目标区域捕获测序(Target Seq)就是通过定制感兴趣的基因组区域的探针,与基因组DNA进行杂交,将目标区域DNA富集后进行高通量测序的研究策略。
Amplicon resequencing is a kind of targeted resequencing.
With amplicon sequencing, you do PCR with two primers flanking the region you care about. Presumably, you'd try to multiplex a bunch of them together per sample. Then you make a sequencing library of all those amplicons
The other common way to sequence a particular subset of a genome is to use a capture probe that binds to your sequence of interest, then you sequence that library. Large sets of probes designed to capture exonic sequence are commonly used.
25. Allele
One of two copies of a gene that are located at the same position on different arms of a chromosome.